Made Events

Évènements passés

The Turkish Chair has chosen as its main theme, “Strengthening Partnerships: Human Mobility for Sustainable Development” in a bid to highlight that international migration cannot be managed effectively by any one country alone.

The week will open with the GFMD Civil Society Days (CSD) on 12 and 13 October 2015. A shared session with governments 'Common Space', will be held on 14 October, and the GFMD Government Days will take place on 15-16 October.

Global Diaspora Week 2015 will is a week dedicated to diaspora communities and their contributions to global development. 

The webinar will look at challenges and solutions from both the perspective of diaspora and migrants enterprises on one hand, and policy makers on the other, in supporting diaspora entrepreneurship.  

The XV edition of the South American Conference on Migration will be held in Santiago de Chile on 8-9 September 2015. 

El evento tendrá lugar el 3 de septiembre entre las 08:30 y las 19:00 horas en Santiago de Chile.
