Global Action

Global Action


MADE works towards a global civil society network for joint advocacy, action and agenda-setting. This organizing is predominantly structured around the implementation of civil society’s 5-Year 8-Point Plan of Action.   

ICMC’s MADE Global Coordinating Office works closely with partners to organize activities of civil society organizations worldwide in processes that involve governments, decision-makers and international agencies.

Activities include:

  • Advocacy, information-sharing and networking through newsletters, social media, and an annual online survey and global progress report on the implementation of the 5-Year 8-Point Plan of Action. MADE creates its own campaigns as well as spotlighting other campaigns on migrants’ rights and human development from civil society across the world.
  • Together with the International Steering Committee, the Global Coordinating Office organises the Civil Society Days of the Global Forum on Migration and Development.
  • MADE  enables national  civil society organizations to implement advocacy and policy actions on the ground for the protection migrants in transit, decent labour migration and the rights of migrant workers in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean  through the MADE Pilot Fund
  • MADE has also been involved in the regional consultations of the Migrants in Countries in Crisis (MICIC) Initiative and co-facilitated the related MICIC civil society consultations.  



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The 3rd Global Mayoral Forum on Human Mobility, Migration and Development took place in Quezon City, Philippines from 28 to 30 September 2016.

Civil society globally calls upon world leaders to urgently adopt solutions for refugees and migrants beyond the UN Summit

A civil society joint statement and ‘scorecard’ has been released lamenting governments’ uneven commitments and lack of urgency to deliver a real new deal for refugees and migrants at the UN Summit.

2016 Call for Proposals for Scaling Up REmittances (SURE) now open

Does your organization work with the rural poor? Do you see the opportunities of linking migrants remittances with local origin communities? If so, you might be interested in applying for the IFAD grant of up to 500,000USD. Deadline is 17 August.




Related Events

World Refugee Day

More info on the United Nations Website.

GCM Process: 3rd Informal thematic meeting (Geneva)

Theme:  International cooperation and governance of migration in all its dimensions, including at borders, on transit, entry, return, readmission, integration and reintegration.

UNHCR’s Annual Consultations with NGOs (Geneva)

Theme: From global responsibility to local action – Implementing the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF)

